Frequency Response: 20Hz-20Khz, -0.1db, 2Hz-400KHz, -3dB
Maximum Power, 16 ohms: 5W RMS per channel Maximum Power, 32 ohms: 3.5W RMS per channel Maximum Power, 50 ohms: 2.5W RMS per channel Maximum Power, 300 ohms: 600mW RMS per channel Maximum Power, 600 ohms: 300mW RMS per channel
Output Impedance: Less than 0.2 ohms in high or low gain mode Input Impedance: 22K ohms Gain: High = 6 (15.6dB) or Low = 1 (0dB), via rear switch Topology: Fully discrete, current feedback with Continuity™ constant-transconductance output stage and stacked power supply rails Power Consumption: 30W Size: 9 x 6 x 2" Weight: 5 lbs